UltimaSerial WinDaq Add-on: Instrumentation Gauge (Analog Meter)



Gauge provides a programmable analog instrumentation gauge. 


  • Calculated results based on readings from multiple channels, such as power consumption = V*I

  • Enlarged display

  • Warnings based on ring colors

Angular Gauge (analog meter) for WinDaq running DATAQ devices, Transonic Flow meters and Dataforth isoLynx SLX718

  Windaq Add-on: Gauge Windaq Add-on: MeterWindaq Add-on: Gauge Meter


  • Intelligent Channel Select: Highlight/Select a channel in WinDaq and invoke WinDaq->View->Add-ons->Magic Meter, and it will use the selected channel as its default channel when it is not in calculated channel mode.

  • Move the mouse to the left edge of the display to reveal the configuration button. 

  • Like Magic Meter, double click on its face will remove the border and change to its predefined transparency setting (see the screen capture below)

  • Data Window to perform the following operations
    • None: The last reading
    • Average: Average all readings in the data window before presenting it
    • Minimum: Display only the minimum reading within the data window
    • Maximum:  Display only the maximum reading within the data window
    • RMS:  Perform RMS for all readings within the data window
    • AC RMS:  Average all readings and use the result as offset. Remove the offset of all readings then perform RMS
    • Calculated Channel with the following features:
      • Operators include: +, -, *, /, ^, %, &, |, !, >, >=, <, <=, !=, ==

      • Functions include: abs, floor, hex, round, if, avg, bin, log, sqrt, ceil, log10, sum, max, min, acos, asin, atan, sin, sinh, cos, tan, cosh, tanh

      • To use the reading from a channel, use #n. For example, #0 is the reading from the first enabled channel in Windaq

      • To access the sample rate, use #@.

      • You can use earlier readings to form a more complicated math expression. To do so, add a letter after #, and alphabet order of the letter represents the delay, Such as:

        • #0 is the reading from channel 0

        • #A0 is the reading from channel 0, one scan earlier

        • #B1 is the reading from channel 1, two scans earlier

        • Readings from up to 26 scans earlier can be used, for example, #Z0.

        • For example: use ( #0-#A0)*#@ to form a two-point derivative

        • Must read: The mystery of channel index!

      • To use the data-window results, use #freq,  #min, #max, #ave, #rms and #acrms to represent Frequency, Minimum, Maximum, Average, RMS, RMS without DC component in the expression, i.e, #acrms0 take the ACRMS of channel 0. Please select the window size carefully.

      • Support non-English (United States) Regional and Language options.

      • The calculated result is presented AS IS. 

      • The math equation must be valid even you don't plan to use it now

  • Fully programmable palette, gauge begin/end degree, min/max, normal/high/low rang and display decimals for better visual effect

    • Note, since they can be customized and their values retained, the Min and Max may not match the dynamic range of the channel you are monitoring.

      • To use this feature, you should start the add-on from the SAME WinDaq logical channel. For example, highlight the second channel on WinDaq, start the add-on, set up the add-on then exit. Now the configuration is saved in a configuration file associated with second channel. You can have multiple configurations for the same device, each configuration associated with a different WinDaq logical channel. To recall the configuration stored associated with logical channel 2, highlight the channel on WinDaq, start the add-on. 

      • The logical channel mentioned above is not the physical channel, it is the logical order of a physical channel listed in the channel selection box. For example, we have two WinDaq setups, one with physical channel 1,2,3,4,6,8, and the another with physical channel 6,7,9,10,14,15. If the add-on configuration is associated with the second logical channel, then highlighting physical channel 2 from the first setup then start the addon will be the same as highlighting physical channel 7 then start the addon.

    • Min/Max retainers record the Minimum and Maximum readings since its started or the last time the Gauge was configured. Please note, since Gauge does NOT monitor every data point acquired by the device, the min/max only reflects all the values captured by WinDaq.

      • To reset Min/Max retainers, enter Gauge Configuration and exit via OK button

    • Low/High are for extra visual support, for example to indicate a certain threshold or danger zones. In the above configuration screen shot, Low/High are outside of the Min/Max to remove the zone

    • T.D/R.D specify the number of digits after decimal point for the ticks on gauge face and reading in the lower center.

    • Start/Stop Degree defines the starting/ending point of the gauge arc

    • Main defines the number of major ticks on the gauge face

    • Sub defines the number of minor ticks between two major ticks

WinDaq Add-on ID


Menu Name Appeared under WinDaq->View->Add-ons


Configuration file



Last update: 01/26/24

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