Digital and SMS/Email-enabled Alarm Output
Digital Alarm Output
manual and auto-closed-loop control for WinDaq system, as well as Audio,
SMS or Email alert (experimental) when a alarm is triggered

Use button D0...D7 to enter the logical equation for the
corresponding digital output.
Lower DIO channels on DI-2108/4208/4208/2008 are reserved as input by
WinDaq, to use them, check Use All DO option.
Please configure the corresponding DIOs on DI-71x to outputs if
you wish to use the digital outputs with DI-71x
SMS/Email and Audio Alarm
Button to enter the logical equation for the SMS/Email alert.
Button to
enter the
logical equation for the audio alarm
Button under
to configure the sound file and alert time interval
Button under
to configure email alarms (experimental)
The first parameter is the keep alive interval (in minutes) for
SMS/Email periodical
reporting. Enter 0 to disable this feature
The second parameter is the hold-off time (in seconds) for
the next alarm email once an alarm is triggered. Enter 0 to
disable the hold-off feature.
Use All DIO for Outputs. On
DI-2108/4108/4208/2008, DI0..D3 are usually reserved for inputs as Event,
Record, Rate and Counter channel. By choosing this option, all can
be changed to outputs. If some of the input functions are needed in
WinDaq, set the
Dout to TRUE manually and you can send the digital signal to the port. For
example, manually set D3 to TRUE, you can use D3 as counter channel
in WinDaq.
If you wish to use Digital Inputs, Event, Rate or Counter inputs
after you are done with the control, please either recycle the
power on the instrument or manually set all DIO to TRUE before you
exit this add on to reset the direction for all DIOs. WinDaq will
not initialize the direction of the port.
Data Window Size determines the number of data points when
evaluating MIN, MAX,
Slides has three states. It controls the state of a corresponding
TRUE: assign TRUE unconditionally
FALSE: assign FALSE state unconditionally
Set the output to TRUE if the logical expression for the
corresponding channel renders TRUE
For digital outputs, please refer to product manual to
find out the meaning of TRUE and FALSE output.
For Audio alert, TRUE plays the sound file. FALSE stops
the sound file
For SMS/Email alert, TRUE generate periodical report if
report interval is greater than 0. FALSE stops any SMS/Email
Keyboard operations when addon is in focus
Key 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 to set D0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and Alarm
Key Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O to set D0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and
Alarm to TRUE
Key A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L to set D0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and
Alarm to FALSE
- Notes
- Not every data point is tested against the trigger condition, a compromise
is to use data-window derived results, such as MIN, MAX,
AVE, RMS and ACRMS . The
add-on is paced by Windows' timer, up to 50Hz.
Due to the limitations
of the hardware, when using with 720/730 USBs, please make sure Windaq's maximum
sample rate doesn't exceed 100K, and the sample rate is less than
When ChannelStretch is used, D0-6 appears in the first instrument
only (If you have the need to control DIOs on the other instruments in
ChannelStretch, please let us know)
To Use WinDaq Add-on Digital and Alarm Output
Start WinDaq
Invoke Windaq->View->Add-ons->Digital and Alarm Output
Configuration file
If you can't find it there, you may need to look in
Last update: 07/23/24